Back Patio Mural by Local Artist


Have you seen the newest addition to Hoshall's?

We are so proud to feature a stunning new mural from local artist Leah Currey on our back patio for our spa and hair guests to enjoy on their visit to the salon. We love being a part of the local community of Folsom California and are inspired every day by the people and beautiful landscape of Foslom. What better way to pay tribute to the town that we love than a mural of the beautiful Rainbow Bridge!


About Leah Currey the Artist

I am inspired by nature, people, patterns, and forms. In my paintings, I am interested in interpreting and expanding on aspects of nature that have been so arbitrarily strewn about. I seek to enhance colors and shapes and put elegant forms together in naive ways to bring forth a dreamy state of existence, based in the natural world. I am absolutely influenced by my education and degree in the biological sciences-- knowing the intricacies of what goes on in the world only serves to make the life blossoming around me more beautiful. I am grateful to the many teachers I've had in my artistic education, and have explored numerous mediums and techniques under their guidance. I have had the opportunity to sculpt metal, clay, and glass; draw the figure from life and create new faces from nothing; paint in plein air, from photographs, and on canvases many times bigger than I. I also revel in the opportunity to pass on my knowledge to others. I have murals in Oakland, Davis, and Folsom, California. Besides art, I enjoy being outdoors, trying new things, and stopping to smell the roses


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